I’m baaaaaack!

Today I returned from a five week vacation by sitting down to reflect on what I’ve learned during this time off. Let me share some of my summer reflections with you.
The Importance of Mental Breaks
Though my work is not necessarily spiritual, it does involve holding space for the journeys of others. To do this well, I need to stay present for myself and my own journey, which is so much easier when I can slow down, give myself time to reflect, to feel, to be honest with myself–to just be human.
The Value of Living Slowly
It’s funny the intentions you set for yourself over and over, only to let them be pushed aside or set on hold when life gets messy–and it always does (eventually). Several times this summer I realized how good it felt to be living slowly–giving myself time for nourishing food, adequate rest, and allowing myself to focus on being instead of doing. Then I remembered how I came to the same realizations last summer, and the summer before that. And I set a clear intention to remember this fundamental principle, to let myself live more slowly in the coming year. Yet here I was again, noticing how hectic life had gotten in recent months and intending to let myself be more slow when I get back to “real life.”
The Power of Self Compassion
One of the most important parts of my summer break involves an annual women’s retreat that is part vacation, part healing spiritual journey. For six days I immerse myself in my self-reclamation practice with amazing like-minded women who help me see all the things that make me amazing, too. It is during this retreat that my need to slow down is most obvious. And while it would be so easy for me to become self critical about how busy I have let life become, that would only make me feel worse. One of the most powerful things about this retreat is the way in which I’m able to let go of my inner critic and shower myself in self compassion. For I am only human.
There Is No Destination
This was my fourth time attending this women’s retreat. Though each year has been invaluable–filled with community and nourishment and learning–this was probably my best year yet. Accepting my healing journey has meant being willing to be vulnerable, to accept the messiness of life, and to feel the broad range of human emotion–not just joy and love but also grief and heartbreak. And each time I open up, I learn and grow even more. This year’s retreat included some pretty amazing revelations. Many ideas I have been playing with in the back of my mind were suddenly so glaringly obvious, and the clarity that came from such confident inner knowing was empowering.
Just when I started to doubt myself and this process, the process proved just how much more there was to learn… and reminded me that happiness is not about arrival. There is no destination in life, only the journey.
Life Is About Community
As I took time to reconnect with family, friends, and myself this summer, it became even more clear how important the community part of the journey is. I was reminded that my biggest motivator for continuing this work of sharing yoga, meditation, reparenting, and self care is the joy of connection that comes from sharing healing space with others.
Returning Refreshed
So I share all of this to say that even though I missed my work–teaching yoga, guiding meditation, connecting with followers–it was all worth it. My time away from you all brought me a renewed dedication and reinvigorated energy… to hold healing space for you, wherever you are in YOUR journey.
So come connect with me!
I’m still offering group meditation classes, private yoga and meditation sessions (in studio or at home), and private guided meditation by phone.
See my schedule here or click here to book now!