Offering: An Intention-Setting Ritual
We gathered around my symbolic campfire (a candle), sitting in mindful reflection and embodied intention setting…. Here’s a sort of rough outline of the ritual we held:
We gathered around my symbolic campfire (a candle), sitting in mindful reflection and embodied intention setting…. Here’s a sort of rough outline of the ritual we held:
I recently noticed a trend in myself and my clients–we’ve been doing a lot of worrying. Spending a lot of time in our heads, thinking through different aspects of various scenarios, playing out options and potential decisions, and fretting about how things are going to turn out. I learned a while back that worry is […]
One of the tricky things about parenting is that, just when you feel like you’ve got a handle on things, something (or everything) changes. Growing kids means things are always in a state of transition, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up. This spring unexpectedly turned into an exceptionally busy time for my family, and […]
I don’t know about you, but so many people I know (myself included) are tuning into all the uncertainty lately. While I feel like we’ve been on the cusp of social change for a while (like, the last decade or so), the last 3 years have seemed to speed things up, and naturally that leads […]
I had a weird parenting moment the other day… a moment of keen self-awareness where I was able to experience a moment and watch myself experiencing it at the same time, like I was an analytical observer taking stock of it from the outside. We were in the car on the way to a karate […]
There I was, navigating afternoon suburban traffic in the middle of a busy day of momming, singing along to Journey when it happened. The familiar well of emotion swelled in my throat, making me garble the lyrics… quickly followed by the instinctive reflex to swallow them down. Then I chuckled at the irony… Here I […]
Every couple of weeks I teach meditation to the staff of a local small business outside at a local park. We had taken an unintentionally long break (due to holiday vacations and unusually heavy and consistent rain), but the weather was *finally* cooperating and we were getting back out there after 5 weeks away! Even […]
The act of noticing can be so simple, yet so profound. I took a walk today. I’ve been thinking (for a long time now) about ways to move my body more. Since the pandemic started, I’ve been so much more sedentary… which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. At first it was necessary. The sheer volume […]
One of my main self-care ‘musts’ is to have regular body work done. I learned a long time ago that I’m hard on my body, asking it to do a lot for me in my day-to-day, AND I was pretty hard on my body when I was younger, resulting in several injuries that have left […]
Growing up I always thought I wanted to be a teacher. I’m not exactly sure why… it’s not like I sat in class watching my teacher, and thought, “I want to do that someday.” I only remember how much I loved learning: exploring new ideas and seeing connections between things. It didn’t even occur to […]